General Engineering Program
General Data
Academic program General Engineering Program :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIAem05EMatIng)
Lectures : 16h00
Tutorials : 6h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Total duration : 50h00
Status :
Period :
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
- To be able to express with the technical and scientific vocabulary of materials science as a general engineer
- To be able to establish or interpret material specifications.
- To be able to analyze and anticipate the thermomechanical behaviour of materials in static load
- To be able to pre-size a part to avoid its degradation by abrupt rupture in static load
- To be able to choose a family of materials adapted to an given application (defined specifications)
- To be able to considernt all stages of material life cycle for sustainable development in the definition or analysis of specifications

- To know, to understand and to be able to measure the material properties, especially thermomechanical properties.
- To know the atomic arrangment and microstructure of materials
- To know the material classes (main properties, microstructure features, applications).
- To understand the relatinships between the microstructure of materials, their properties and the processes.
- To be able to identify the key property(ies) to meet objectives or functional specifications of scope statements

- Theoretical contributions are made in the form of lectures and application exercises carried out in class or in self-training. The courses introduce the main properties of the materials, the notions of materials microstructure and present the microstructure relations – properties – processes.

- Course content:
material life cycle; material families; material properties; atomic organization and microstructure; mechanical behaviour and properties: elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, rupture; effect of temperature on materials: thermal dependence of properties, glass transition, fragile-ductile transition, creep, thermal shocks.

Tutorials illustrate and apply the concepts develop in lectures. They are focus on the comparison of the characteristics and properties of the 3 major families of materials, the determination and manipulation of the thermomechanical properties and the study of process.

Lab practice:
They allow learning to measure, compare and interpret the thermal and mechanical properties of materials
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
Skills/outcomes of PTSI/PT program:
- Architecture of the material:
Structure of the atom, Atomic orbitals, Chemical bonds
- Condensed Matter:
Perfect Crystal Model, Metal and Crystals, Covalent and Ionic Solids
- Measurement of physico-chemical properties:
Mass, volume, length, time, frequency
- Material Transformation
Physical states and transformation of material, physico-chemical system, chemical transformation
Support of the module:
- Reprinted Copy
- Self-study applications available on the Moodle platform

• Matériaux. Ingénierie, Science, Procédés et Conception. M. Ashby, H. Shercliff, D. Cebon. Ed. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes 2013.
• Traité des matériaux 1 - Introduction à la science des matériaux. W. Kurz, J.P. Mercier, G. Zambelli. Ed. Presses polytechniques romandes 1987.
• Traité des Matériaux 16 – Céramiques et verres. J.-M. Haussonne, C. Carry, P. Bowen, J. Barton, Ed. Presses Polytechniques et universitaires romandes 2005
• Traité des Matériaux 20 – Sélection des Matériaux et des procédés de mise en œuvre. M. Ashby, Y. Bréchet, L. Salvo, Ed. Presses Polytechniques et universitaires romandes 2001
• Matériaux, 1. Propriétés, applications et conception. MF. Ashby, D.R.H. Jones, Ed. Dunod 2013.
• Matériaux, 2. Microstructure et mise en oeuvre. MF. Ashby, D.R.H. Jones, Ed. Dunod 1991.
• Exercices et problèmes de sciences des matériaux, M. dupeux, J. Gerbaud, E. Dunod 2010.
• Matériaux pour l'ingénieur. A.-F. Gourges-Lorenzon,J-M. Haudin, Ed. Mines Paris Les presses 2010.
• Matériaux polymères – Structure, propriétés et applications, G.W. Ehrenstein, F. Montagne. Ed. Hermès 2000

Techniques de l'ingénieur
• Propriétés et comportement mécanique des polymères thermoplastiques.. N. Billon, J.L. Bouvard. AM3115, 2015
• Essais de mesure de la ténacité – Mécanique de la rupture, D. Francois, M4166, 2007
• Céramiques, Généralités, L. Lécrivain, A7290, 1987
• Céramiques, Caractéristiques et technologies, P. Lefort, N4811, 2018

Software and resources, CES EduPack 2017-2019, Granta Design
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
13h exam with a handwritten A4 double-sided sheet2- Demonstrate that the basics of materials science are acquired
- Show ability to compare materials families
- Demonstrate ability to identify and use mechanical properties
- Demonstrate the ability to interpret experimental results.
- Demonstrate the ability to avoid thermal and/or mechanical degradation of materials.
- Demonstrate the ability to describe the consequences of an process on materials.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify key properties according to specifications and propose a family of materials accordingly
2Practical work report, evaluated according to an evaluation grid1- Demonstrate the ability to perform experimental manipulations and interpret the obtained results.
3Continuous Assessment1