Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM)
Sustainable Energy & Environmental Engineering courses S7 12 Advanced Electrical Machines & Applications

This course covers the basics needed for the design of an electrical machine. It introduces the different electrical machines, their components, and the main definitions / technical vocabulary needed for the design. It also sheds the light on the different methods of numerical modelling of magneto static systems as well as the finite element approach for the synchronous machine modelling. This course presents the basic analytical method for designing the various parts of a machine while relying on the client requirements (operating voltage, needed speed, geometrical sizing…). It also provides the student with the in depth knowledge needed to simulate the machine's construction using CAD and Matlab software.

o Electrical Machines Design – Basics & Background: Overview on the different electrical machines, Machines Specifications, Analytical sizing of an electrical machine, CAD Design of an electrical machine
o Electrical Machines Design – Analytical Method for Design: Overview of the winding and the rotating field, Winding layers & Coefficients, Electric machines: materials & components, Design methodology for a PM Synchronous Machine
o Project: Design of an electric machine for a given predefined application using Matlab & FEMM 4.2 software

Lectures : 4h00
Tutorials : 2h00
Lab Work : 12h00
Compressible Flows & Propulsion Systems

This course aims to understand
• Jet propulsion systems and their performance criteria applied to Air-Breathing and Rocket engines: Thrust; Specific Impulse; Propulsion efficiency; Tsiolkovsky rocket equation; Breguet aircraft equation.
• Fundamental of Compressible flows: Mach number and thermodynamics of compressible flows; Shockwaves; Conservation laws; application to Isentropic flows.
• Rocket engine design: Stagnation and critical states; operating mode of nozzles in rocket engines; influence of combustion pressure and temperature and of nozzle geometry on the thrust finally produced. Calculation of the resulting specific impulse.
• Propulsion systems combustion processes: influence of fuel composition and of Air-Fuel Ratio on the performance of air-breathing combustion processes; use of liquid and solid propellants in rocket engine combustion processes.
• Air-breathing propulsion turbomachines: Thermodynamic cycles used in turbojet or turbofans engines; influence of pressure ratios, air and fuel mass flow rates, blades geometries on the engine performances (specific impulse, propulsion efficiency and specific fuel consumption).

Lectures : 12h00
Tutorials : 12h00
Computational Fluid Dynamics

This course introduces the student to the subject of Computational Fluid Dynamics, as well as numerical methods for predicting fluid flows and heat transfer in flows. This course aims to help students get a good level of expertise in flow modeling for engineering applications by conducting practical work on a well-known commercial tool.
Lectures content (6h)
• Introduction to CFD: CFD fundamentals, principles, and steps
• Turbulence modeling for CFD part I: Turbulence characteristics and properties, Mean-flow equations
• Turbulence modeling for CFD part II: Turbulent-viscosity models (RANS models), Near-wall treatments
Practical work: (16h)
• Introduction to Ansys Fluent CFD tool: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Mixing Elbow
• Practice on Ansys Fluent CFD tool: Modeling external Compressible Flow
• Practice on Ansys Fluent CFD tool: Modeling Transient Compressible Flow
• Practice on Ansys Fluent CFD tool: Assessment project

Lectures : 6h00
Lab Work : 16h00
Gas Turbines

• Gas turbine technologies (Heavy Duty, aeroderivatives, etc.), improvements (cogeneration, combined cycles) and uses.
• Gas turbines specific combustion processes: operating modes, thermodynamics models, practical fuels and pollutants management.
• Theory of turbomachines applied to compressible flows and gas turbines.
• Gas turbines thermodynamic cycles.
• Main components and technological aspects of gas turbine technologies.

Lectures : 10h00
Renewable Energy Systems

Lectures : 18h00
Industrial Engineering & Supply Chain Management Courses S7 12 Global Supply Chain and Information System

• Information Systems in Supply Chain
• Focus on ERP
• Project Management in Supply Chain
• Demand Management
• Forecasting Management
• Warehouse and Distribution Management
• Procurement strategies and Suppliers Management

Lectures : 12h00
Tutorials : 4h00
Lab Work : 4h00
Manufacturing Digital Transformation

• XR:
- Discover SimLab software solutions for developing VR/AR applications
- Developing the first VR experience
- Understanding how SimLab software works with VR/AR equipment
• Product Lifecycle Management - PLM :
- PLM Introduction
- Windchill PLM software
- Project view
• Plant Layout 2 :
- Redo the implementation from last year, with the simulation flows of a robotic equipment

Lectures : 4h00
Tutorials : 16h00
The Blue Connection

Business simulation THE BLUE CONNECTION (publisher INCHAINGE) which students will play via a web interface (in English). ECAM La Salle is a forerunner in the deployment of this game (we work in parallel with professors from HEC). The game takes place in 6 to 8 rounds, the students work in teams of 3 or 4 and each plays the role of a manager within the fictitious company The Blue Connection:
- Sales management
- Purchasing/design department
- Supply chain management
- Finance department The company sells bicycles (only one model) to 3 different customers and is in great financial difficulty.
The goal of this game is to make the company profitable while developing a circular economy. In each round, the students test and deploy a circularity or life extension strategy (maintenance/warranty, refurbishment, remanufacturing, recycling). In the final rounds, they must choose their own strategy, implement it and explain it in an individual report.

Lectures : 2h00
Tutorials : 18h00
Innovation Project S7 7 IP Ideation

Lectures : 4h00
Project : 2h00
IP Introduction Project Management

Lectures : 5h00
Tutorials : 4h00
Project : 4h00
IP Marketing

Lectures : 8h00
Tutorials : 2h00
Project : 8h00
IP Project Management Review

Lectures : 1h00
Project : 2h00
IP Requirements

Lectures : 4h00
Tutorials : 2h00
Project : 12h00
IP Users Research

Lectures : 4h00
Tutorials : 4h00
Project : 8h00
Mechanical Engineering Courses S7 12 Advanced Vibrations

The presentation of the relations between the physical properties of a mechanical system and its vibratory behavior is carried out in the form of lectures on the following points:

1 - Vibration of a system with one degree of freedom:
Conservative System: Free Movement - Clean Pulsation - Kinetic Energy and Deformation Energy.
Non-conservative system: Viscous damping model - Frequency response - Resonance.

2 - Vibrations of discrete systems with n degrees of freedom:
Modes of vibration - Calculation of modal characteristics - Decoupling of equations of motion - Proportional damping model - Modal superposition - Frequency response - Experimental modal analysis.

3 - Vibration reduction methodology:
Vibration isolation - Modification of a natural frequency - Increase of the damping - Use of a dynamic dampener granted

Lectures : 16h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Compressible Flows & Propulsion Systems (Mechanical Pathway)

• Jet propulsion systems and their performance criteria applied to Air-Breathing and Rocket engines: Thrust; Specific Impulse; Propulsion efficiency; Tsiolkovsky rocket equation; Breguet aircraft equation.
• Fundamental of Compressible flows: Mach number and thermodynamics of compressible flows; Shockwaves; Conservation laws; application to Isentropic flows.
• Rocket engine design: Stagnation and critical states; operating mode of nozzles in rocket engines; influence of combustion pressure and temperature and of nozzle geometry on the thrust finally produced. Calculation of the resulting specific impulse.
• Propulsion systems combustion processes: influence of fuel composition and of Air-Fuel Ratio on the performance of air-breathing combustion processes; use of liquid and solid propellants in rocket engine combustion processes.
• Air-breathing propulsion turbomachines: Thermodynamic cycles used in turbojet or turbofans engines; influence of pressure ratios, air and fuel mass flow rates, blades geometries on the engine performances (specific impulse, propulsion efficiency and specific fuel consumption).

Lectures : 12h00
Tutorials : 12h00
Computational Fluid Dynamics

This course introduces the student to the subject of Computational Fluid Dynamics, as well as numerical methods for predicting fluid flows and heat transfer in flows. This course aims to help students get a good level of expertise in flow modeling for engineering applications by conducting practical work on a well-known commercial tool.
Lectures content (6h)
• Introduction to CFD: CFD fundamentals, principles, and steps
• Turbulence modeling for CFD part I: Turbulence characteristics and properties, Mean-flow equations
• Turbulence modeling for CFD part II: Turbulent-viscosity models (RANS models), Near-wall treatments
Practical work: (16h)
• Introduction to Ansys Fluent CFD tool: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Mixing Elbow
• Practice on Ansys Fluent CFD tool: Modeling external Compressible Flow
• Practice on Ansys Fluent CFD tool: Modeling Transient Compressible Flow
• Practice on Ansys Fluent CFD tool: Assessment project

Lectures : 6h00
Lab Work : 16h00
Materials 4 (Polymers)

Macromolecules: degree of polymerization, tacticity, synthesis.
Polymers: structures, thermoplastics, thermosets, state changes, thermal and mechanical properties, additives.
Specific applications of polymers. The use of conductive polymers, bio-sourced and biodegradable polymers, polymers for packaging or fuel cells are discussed. The interest of developing copolymers is also treated.

Lectures : 10h00
Tutorials : 10h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Society, Management & Entrepreneurship S7 3 SME Final Project 1

Project : 24h00
Robotics & Automation Engineering Courses S7 12 Advanced Robotics

-Numerical Jacobian, singularity avoidance
-Trajectory and path planning for robot arms
-Performance evaluation : accuracy, precision, load, repeatability, workspace
-Dynamics of a robot arm (inertia, Coriolis)
-Visual servoing
-Programming a robotic arm and a mobile robot

Lectures : 12h00
Tutorials : 12h00
Lab Work : 12h00
Control Theory 2a (Digital Control Systems)

1. Introduction to signals : continuous/ sampled/ discrete
2. Distinction between Difference equation (used to describe Discrete systems) and differential equation (used to describe continuous systems)
3. Signal sampling and quantization
*Sampling of continuous signals
*Signal reconstruction
*Practical considerations for signal sampling : anti-aliasing filter
*Practical reconsiderations for signal reconstruction :anti-image filter and equalizer
*Analog to digital conversion
*digital to analog conversion/quantization
4. Determination of the z-transform
*Introduction to the z-transform and its properties
*Illustration of how we determine the inverse of z-transform using the partial fraction expansion
*The use of the z-transform to solve linear difference equations
5. Digital Proportional, PI and PID controllers
*Determination of the equation of the digital controller (case of P , PI and PID)
*The implementation of digital P, PI and PID on real systems and the evaluation of the system performances

Lectures : 6h00
Tutorials : 6h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Control Theory 2b (Multivariable Control Systems)

1. System representation : the state-space representation SSR of monovariable and multivariable systems
2. Determinantion of the system's Block diagram
3. Determinantion of the State space representations in canonical forms : Controllable,Observable,Diagonal/Jordan
4. Evaluation of the Controllability and the observability of a given LTI system using the Kalman citerion
5. Design of State-feedback controller using the Ackermann's formula
6. Analysis of system performances : precision, rapidity, robustness against the presence of disturbances
7. System linearization using the Tylor expansion

Lectures : 10h00
Tutorials : 6h00
Lab Work : 8h00
IT & Robotic Labs

The scrum methodology is introduced to the students. Then, they apply this agile framework during the whole duration of the project.
Each group of students receives a project of robotic application. They state the problem before designing the robotic system that corresponds to the specifications. Then, they build their system and test it extensively.
Finally, each group presents their work and write a report describing the technical and managerial aspects of the project.

Lab Work : 28h00
Students Life Commitment 3 Students Life Commitment Sem 7

Students Life Involvement 2 Students Life Involvement Sem 7

Sustainable Management S7 4 Carbon Footprint

This course is an introduction to the carbon footprint calculation method proposed by a French association, "Association Bilan Carbone".
It will consist of a :
- Reminders about Green House Gases and introduction to global warming potential
- Definition of carbon footprint
- Definition of the 3 scopes
- Presentation of the carbon Footprint computation method
- Presentation of th Carbon Footprint approach

Lectures : 4h00
Tutorials : 6h00
Project : 4h00
Operational Quality and Lean Management

Introduction to experience plans :
- What is an experience plan and how to implement it ?
- Several notions : factors, levels of the factors, mathematical model
- Experience plans : 2 factors and 2 levels
- Experience plans : 3 factors and 2 levels

Product FMECA :
One case of study to understand what is the purpose of product FMECA and how to implement it : how to reduce the problem at the conception phase of a product

Lean-6 sigma tools :
Discovery of the different lean tools in the context of a problem-solving approach :
- What is the Lean (context and historical approach)
- What is 6 sigma (context and historical approach)
- What are the tools related to these topics (DMAIC, 5S, Ishikawa, root causes : 5W…)
- Possiblity to implement all of these tools with one tutorial : A3 problem solving method.

Lectures : 4h00
Tutorials : 12h00
Research Methods

Lectures : 4h00
Tutorials : 8h00
Pied de tableau 1 Pied de tableau 2 Pied de interne 3 Pied de interne 4 Pied de interne 5