Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM)
General Data
Academic program Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM) :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIEEng05EElecMachin)
Lectures : 14h00
Tutorials : 14h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Total duration : 64h00
Status :
Period :
Semester 5
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Identify the magnetic field principle and rules.
2. Recognize the different type of DC motors and interpret their construction and performance characteristics
3. Recognise the different types of 3 phase AC machines and interpret their construction, theory, and operation
4. Develop the equivalent circuits of induction and synchronous machines
5. Compare the modes of operation of generators and motors.
6. Evaluate the starting process, speed control, torque, power, and applications of three-phase AC machines.
This course provides engineering students with in-depth knowledge of electrical machines theories. It teaches the students the necessary techniques of solving problems. The concept of magnetic field and the principle of operation of machines are covered. DC machines, their construction, their operation and their equivalent model are studied in depth. The principle of rotating magnetic field and AC machinery are underlined. AC machines including three-phase Synchronous machines and three-phase induction machines are explained. Analysis and calculations to find the voltage regulation and efficiency of a machine at a certain load are included. The different applications of each machine are studied as well.

o Introduction to Machinery Principles: Rotational Notions, The Magnetic Field, Magnetic Circuit, Voltage & Torque Equations, Magnetic Losses
o DC Machines Construction : Simplest DC Machine (1 loop), Armature Construction, Commutation in a 4 Loop DC Machine, Lap & Wave Windings, Problems & Solutions in Real DC Machines, Voltage & Torque Equations, Losses in DC Machines
o DC Motors: Separately Excited & Shunt (Parallel) DC Motor, Series DC Motor & Compounded DC Motor, DC Motors Starting, DC Motors Applications & Test Procedures, DC Generators
o Principle of Rotating Magnetic Field: Rotating Magnetic Field, Electrical & Mechanical Quantities, Magnetomotive Force and Flux Distribution, Induced Voltage & Torque in AC Machines, Winding Insulation & AC Machine Losses, Voltage Regulation & Speed Regulation
o Synchronous Machines: Synchronous Generator Model, Synchronous Generator Operating Alone, Parallel Operation of Synchronous Generators, Control of Parallel Generators, Synchronous Motor Model, Synchronous Motor: Load and Field Effects, Starting Synchronous Motors
o Induction Machines: Induction Motor Construction, Induction Motor Concepts & Model, IM Torque Speed Characteristic, IM Rotor Design, IM Starting, Induction Generator
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
- Electrical Networks
- Electrostatics and Magnetostatics

Power Electronics

Essential Resources:
Chapman, S., (2011), Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 4th Edn., McGraw Hill

Recommended Resources:
Sen, P., (1996), Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, 2nd Edition, ISBN: [0-471-02295-0], Wiley
Sahdev, S., (2018), Electric Machines, Cambridge Press
El Hawary, M., (2002), Principles of Electric Machines with Power Electronic Applications, 2nd Edn., John Wiley & Sons
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1Students will be evaluated on the following abilities (1.5 hour midterm written exam):
Understanding the magnetic field and its related calculations
Validateingpractical skills on DC motors construction, operation and controlability
0,21. Identify the magnetic field principle and rules.
2. Recognize the different type of DC motors and interpret their construction and performance characteristics
2Students will be evaluated on the following abilities (2 experimental setups, each of 4 hours, evaluated via a report):
Validating practical skills on DC and AC machines
Being able to test and characterize DC, synchronous and induction machines.
0,32. Recognize the different type of DC motors and interpret their construction and performance characteristics
6. Evaluate the starting process, speed control, torque, power, and applications of three-phase AC machines.
3Students will be evaluated on the following abilities (2 hours Final written exam):
Validating technical skills on the calculation of a rotating field in an AC machine.
Validating technical skills on synchronous and induction machines operation, performance and controlability
0,5Written exam