Incoming Exchange Student Courses
General Data
Academic program Incoming Exchange Student Courses :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIEXP05EIndOrg)
Lectures : 16h00
Tutorials : 16h00
Total duration : 76h00
Status :
Period :
Semester 5
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
• Name the manufacturing strategies, flows and processes and associate them to the right products
• Explain the importance of managing & control flows in industries
• Classify industrial data
• Calculate direct product cost
• Calculate the OOE (Overall Operations Effectiveness) and the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
• Explain the different levels of Industrial Planning and generate production plan, MPS (Master Production Schedule) and MRP (Material requirements Planning)
• Compare the production plan to the capacity of a production line
• Analyze inventory and categorize it in order to optimize your inventory management
• Apply the problem solving methodology in order to solve a problem and propose the most appropriate solution
• Acquire the philosophy of Lean Management and apply the right Lean tool to the right situation
• Recognise workshop layout principles
• Conduct a FMECA (Failure Mode Effects and Critically Analysis)
• Analyze the impacts of product specifications on product cost, on quality and on customer satisfaction
• Idendify the new technologies in industries and propose the most relevant
• Explain what is a "Supply Chain“
• Build a VSM (Value Stream Mapping)
• Problem solving metholology and related tools (PDCA, 5W2H, Pareto, Ishikawa, risks analysis, 5 Whys & Action Plan)
• Industrial Planning management
• Manufacturing flows and technical data (Bill of Materials, routing sheet)
• Plant implementation and workstation study
• Calculation of direct product costs
• The MRP2 system with its 3 levels: S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning), determination of the MPS (Master Production Schedule), load calculations and introduction to MRP (Materials Requirements Planning). Link with capacity planning.
• Lean Management
• TPM: OEE, OOE, 6 major losses
• Basics of inventory management
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
S. N. Chapman, J. R. Tony Arnold, A. K. Gatewood, and L. M. Clive, « Introduction to Materials Management », 8th edition, 2017
G. Baglin, O. Bruel, L. Kerbache, J. Nehme, and C. van Delft, “Management Industriel et Logistique - Concevoir et piloter la Supply Chain - 6ème édition”, 2013
APICS Dictionary, 3rd edition, 2008
S. N. Chapman, J. R. Tony Arnold, A. K. Gatewood, and L. M. Clive, « Introduction to Materials Management », 8th edition, 2017
R. Le Moigne, "Supply Chain Management - Achat, production, logistique, transport, vente", 2nd edition, 2017
J. Womack, D. Jones, "Système Lean - Penser l'entreprise au plus juste", 2nd edition, 2009
M. Pillet, C. Martin-Bonnefous, P. Bonnefous, A. Courtoire, "Gestion de Production - Les fondamentaux et les Bonnes Pratiques", 5th edition, 2011