Incoming Exchange Student Courses
Electrical Engineering S5 3 Electrical Machines

This course provides engineering students with in-depth knowledge of electrical machines theories. It teaches the students the necessary techniques of solving problems. The concept of magnetic field and the principle of operation of machines are covered. DC machines, their construction, their operation and their equivalent model are studied in depth. The principle of rotating magnetic field and AC machinery are underlined. AC machines including three-phase Synchronous machines and three-phase induction machines are explained. Analysis and calculations to find the voltage regulation and efficiency of a machine at a certain load are included. The different applications of each machine are studied as well.

o Introduction to Machinery Principles: Rotational Notions, The Magnetic Field, Magnetic Circuit, Voltage & Torque Equations, Magnetic Losses
o DC Machines Construction : Simplest DC Machine (1 loop), Armature Construction, Commutation in a 4 Loop DC Machine, Lap & Wave Windings, Problems & Solutions in Real DC Machines, Voltage & Torque Equations, Losses in DC Machines
o DC Motors: Separately Excited & Shunt (Parallel) DC Motor, Series DC Motor & Compounded DC Motor, DC Motors Starting, DC Motors Applications & Test Procedures, DC Generators
o Principle of Rotating Magnetic Field: Rotating Magnetic Field, Electrical & Mechanical Quantities, Magnetomotive Force and Flux Distribution, Induced Voltage & Torque in AC Machines, Winding Insulation & AC Machine Losses, Voltage Regulation & Speed Regulation
o Synchronous Machines: Synchronous Generator Model, Synchronous Generator Operating Alone, Parallel Operation of Synchronous Generators, Control of Parallel Generators, Synchronous Motor Model, Synchronous Motor: Load and Field Effects, Starting Synchronous Motors
o Induction Machines: Induction Motor Construction, Induction Motor Concepts & Model, IM Torque Speed Characteristic, IM Rotor Design, IM Starting, Induction Generator

Lectures : 14h00
Tutorials : 14h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Industrial Organisation S5 6 Industrial Methods

• Processes for the transformation and processing of metallic and plastics materials.
• Introduction to unconventional and CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Manufacturing processes.
• Study of workpiece fixturing and development of machining process planning for mechanical parts.

Lectures : 8h00
Tutorials : 10h00
Industrial Organisation

• Problem solving metholology and related tools (PDCA, 5W2H, Pareto, Ishikawa, risks analysis, 5 Whys & Action Plan)
• Industrial Planning management
• Manufacturing flows and technical data (Bill of Materials, routing sheet)
• Plant implementation and workstation study
• Calculation of direct product costs
• The MRP2 system with its 3 levels: S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning), determination of the MPS (Master Production Schedule), load calculations and introduction to MRP (Materials Requirements Planning). Link with capacity planning.
• Lean Management
• TPM: OEE, OOE, 6 major losses
• Basics of inventory management

Lectures : 16h00
Tutorials : 16h00
Mathematics for Engineering S5 7 Mathematics for Engineers 5

* Lebesgue integration and Hilbert Spaces - Parameter dependant integrals.
* Fourier Series
* Fourier Transform
* Laplace Transform
* Some Classical examples in Partial Differential Equations
* optimization: non linear optimization (unconstrained and constrained optimisation for functions of several variables) linear optimisation (simplex method)

Lectures : 30h00
Tutorials : 30h00
Networks & Security

1 - Understand the fundamentals of computer networks, including their historical context and various use cases.

2 - Learn about the client/server model of communication, network components, and infrastructure.

3 - Gain knowledge of communication protocols and their specifications, as well as TCP/IP and OSI models for communication.

4 - Understand addressing schemes at layer 2 (MAC Address) and layer 3 (IP Address), frames and packet processing, and the role of end devices and intermediary devices in network communication.

5 - Gain an in-depth understanding of communication on local and remote networks, including the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

6 - Understand the critical aspect of information system security and learn about internal and external threats to information systems.

7 - Learn about cryptographic schemes to encrypt and decrypt data, as well as the Information Systems Security Policy (ISSP).

8 - Gain knowledge of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its impact on data protection and privacy for individuals in the EU and EEA.

Lectures : 20h00
Tutorials : 6h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Mechanical Engineering S5 7 Introduction to Heat Transfer

- General introduction : fundamentals of heat transfer, heat transfer mechanisms, relationship to thermodynamics, methodology of analysis.
- Fundamentals of conduction : Heat conduction equation, Fourier's law, one-dimensional heat conduction equation solutions with/without heat generation, variable thermal conductivity, boundary and initial conditions.
- Steady heat conduction : heat conduction in plane walls, cylinder wall and spherical shell, thermal resistance concept, generalized thermal resistance network, notion of thermal contact temperature, critical radius of insulation, heat transfer from finned surfaces.
- Fundamentals of convection : physical mechanisms, hydrodynamic/thermal boundary layer equations, Nusselt and Prandtl numbers, boundary layer similarity, Reynolds analogy.
- External forced convection : laminar and turbulent flow, heat transfer correlations for the parallel flow over flat plates and the flow over cylinders and spheres, flow across tube banks.
- Internal forced convection : laminar and turbulent flow in tube, thermal entry length, general thermal analysis, log mean temperature difference, heat transfer correlations for circular/non-circular tubes.
- Introduction to radiation: spectral and directional distribution, notion of solid angle, blackbody radiation, Stefan-Boltzmann law, emission from real surfaces, radiative properties (emissivity, absorptivity, transmittivity, reflectivity), Kirchoff's laws.

Lectures : 12h00
Tutorials : 12h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Materials 2

1. Diffusion
• Mechanisms of Diffusion
• Diffusion Flux
• Factors of Diffusion
2. Phase Diagrams I
• Microstructure
• Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Cooling
3. Phase Diagrams II
• Binary Eutectic Systems
• Hypoeutectic and Hypereutectic
• Relative Amounts in the Micro-constituents
• Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Cooling of Binary Systems

Lectures : 6h00
Tutorials : 6h00
Lab Work : 12h00
Strength of Materials

- Introduction: review of Statics and Solid Mechanics (stress and strain)

- Axial loads: stress concentrations, stresses due to temperature change, solutions of hyperstatic systems

- Torsional loads: torsion of shafts due to applied torques, design of transmission shafts, stress concentrations

- Analysis of beams under later loads: shear and moment diagrams

- Pure bending of beams: normal stresses, properties of cross-sections

- Deflection of beams: elastic curve equation, resolution of hyperstatic systems

Lectures : 12h00
Tutorials : 12h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Multidisciplinary Project S5 3 Ecodesign Project Part 1 - Environnement

The project contains 3 expected content types: courses & tutorials, project sessions (labs), and personal work.
Content of Semester 5: 1. Courses & tutorials: basics of environmental evaluation & LCA. - Courses topics: global environmental issues, impacts and indicators, life cycle thinking, environmental evaluation using LCA - Tutorials on Simapro 2. Project sessions (labs) supervised by the teacher. - Energy measurements: data acquisition using a data logger - Dismantling (tools available) and BoM definition - Life cycle modelling on Simapro 3. Personal work: information search, interpretation of LCA results.
Content of semester 6:
1. Courses & tutorials: Ecodesign approaches and strategies.
- Courses topics: Ecodesign regulations & strategies, Materials & environment, Design for Sustainable behaviour, Thermal insulation & downsizing, Ecodesign of packaging, design for End-of-life, Innovation for ecodesign.
- Tutorials: CES EduPack (choice of materials), Simapro, CREO (CAD modelling)
2. Project sessions (labs) supervised by the teacher: Developing 3 levels of ecodesigned solutions
- Solutions developments: calculations, CAD modelling, LCA modelling of the 3 levels
3. Personal work: information search, interpretation of LCA results.

Lectures : 5h00
Tutorials : 10h00
Project : 4h00
Ecodesign Project Part 1 - Technical

The project contains 3 expected content types: courses & tutorials, project sessions (labs), and personal work.
For each semester, this projects represents ~40h of work on-site + 20h-30h of personal work. The total workload for each semester is estimated to 60- 70h/student.

Lectures : 3h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Project : 2h00
Society, Management & Entrepreneurship 5 4 Engineering Ethics

Lectures : 4h00
Project : 8h00
French as a Foreign Language

6 hour lessons every week : 4h face-to-face +2h guided autonomy
Expanded vocabulary
Introduction of grammar points
Improvement of phonological control

Can establish basic social contact by using the simplest everyday polite forms of: greetings and farewells; introductions; saying please, thank you, sorry etc.

Lab Work : 21h00
Pied de tableau 1 Pied de tableau 2 Pied de interne 3 Pied de interne 4 Pied de interne 5