Incoming Exchange Student Courses
General Data
Academic program Incoming Exchange Student Courses :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIEXP06EFreshconnect)
Lectures : 12h00
Tutorials : 12h00
Lab Work : 12h00
Total duration : 60h00
Status :
Period :
Semester 6_ Sustainable Energy
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to
1. Extend the basic knowledge acquired in the introduction to heat transfer course and relate it to more advanced/practical application.
2. Use existing solution to solve transient and multi-dimensional heat conduction problems.
3. Compute heat exchange rates in problems including natural convection and boiling/condensation heat transfer.
4. Perform an analysis of the performance and the sizing of a heat exchanger.
5. Solve problems on radiation exchange between mulitple surfaces, which is a primary quantity of interest in most radiation problem.
-Steady Heat conduction : heat transfer in common configuration, conduction shape factors.
- Transient conduction : lumped system analysis, Biot number, transient heat conduction in large plane walls, long cylinders, and spheres with spatial effects, transient heat conduction in semi-infinite solids.
- Numerical methods in heat conduction : finite difference formulation of differential equations, two-dimensional steady heat conduction.
- Natural convection : physical mechanisms, equation of motion and the grashof number, natural convection over surfaces, natural convection inside enclosures, combined natural and forced convection.
- Boiling and condensation : boiling heat transfer, pool Boiling, flow boiling, condensation heat transfer, film condensation, dropwise condensation
- Heat exchangers : heat exchanger types, overall heat transfer coefficient, the log mean temperature difference, the effectiveness-NTU method, heat exchanger design and performance calculations.
- Radiation heat transfer : the view factor, view factor relations, black surfaces, diffuse and gray surfaces, radiation shields and the radiation effect.
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
Introduction to Heat Transfer
Recommended ressources :
Çengel, Y (2007), “Heat and Mass Transfer, A practical approach”, 3rd ed, McGraw Hill Higher Eduction.
Incropera, F.P. and DeWitt, D.P. (2011), “Fundamentals of Mass and Heat Transfer”, 7th Ed, John Wiley.