Incoming Exchange Student Courses
General Data
Academic program Incoming Exchange Student Courses :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIEXP06EIndEng)
Lectures : 8h00
Tutorials : 22h00
Total duration : 42h00
Status :
Period :
Semester 6_SupplyChain
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
• Define the specifications to implement a factory
• Define and design a production line
• Identify the structure of a product and redesign it
• Determine the interest and challenges of managing documents within a company
• Explain the structure of a document
• Manage versions and validations flow of documents within a team
• Recognise the different assembly techniques, the different types of plant
• Apply an industrial example with the design of an assembly line
• Work by team and build a prototype
• Make out the challenges of maintenance - Deepening the TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)
• Remind and explain the functional specifications
• Create a routing sheet and communicate with the production team
• Raising awareness of the impact of digital technology with the Digital Collage
• To study process flows before implementation of a manufacturing plant
• Workstation analysis, determination and optimization of times
• Design, methods and tools for industrialization
• Exploring the challenges facing Total Productive Maintenance
• Total Productive Maintenance - TPM :
Reliability functions, probability density functions. Serie and Parallele systems Failure rate, MTTF (Mean Time To Failure), MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure), MTTR (Mean Time To Repair)
• Analysis & specifications of product
• (Re)Designing a product with Creo Parametric
• Being able to define standard documents
• To understand the types and levels of maintenance
• Establish a simple version of the maintenance plan
• Flow simulation with FLEXSIM
S. N. Chapman, J. R. Tony Arnold, A. K. Gatewood, and L. M. Clive, « Introduction to Materials Management », 8th edition, 2017.
G. Baglin, O. Bruel, L. Kerbache, J. Nehme, and C. van Delft, “Management Industriel et Logistique - Concevoir et piloter la Supply Chain - 6ème édition”, 2013.
A. Perrot, P. Villemus, “La boite à outils de la Supply Chain”, 2019.
A. Marchal et al., “Supply Chain Management – Logistique Globale”, 2ème edition, 2018.
APICS dictionary, 3rd edition, 2008.
A. Rushton, P. Croucher, and P. Beker, “The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management”, 5th edition, 2014.
C. A. Ptak, CFPIM, CIRM, and C. J. Smith., “Orlicky's Material Requirements Planning”, 3rd edition
K. E. Kurbel, « Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management – Functions, Business Processes and Software for Manufacturing Companies », 2013