Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM)
General Data
Academic program Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM) :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIEEng08EMachineVision)
Lectures : 4h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Total duration : 18h00
Status :
Period :
Semester 8
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Define the role of lighting and camera features in image acquisition
2. Cite various technologies in image acquisition (1D, 2D, 3D and multiscan)
3. Choose the best lighting and camera for a given image acquisition application
-Introduction to camera features
-Introduction to the importance of lighting in image acquisition
-Introduction to various technologies in image acquisition
-Practical application on quality control, robot guidance and deep learning
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
-Signal processing
-Sensing & perception
Essential resources: None
Recommended resources:
Corke P. (2011) Robotics, Vision and Control. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, vol 73. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1Observable objectives: final exam in which students will be evaluated on their ability to define the best image acquisition solution given specifications.

0,81, 2, 3
2Observable objectives: labs in which students will be evaluated on their ability to define the best image acquisition solution given specifications. 0,21, 2, 3