Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM)
General Data
Academic program Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM) :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIEEng07EContTheo2b)
Lectures : 10h00
Tutorials : 6h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Total duration : 36h00
Status :
Period :
Semester 7
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, students will be able to :
1. Modelize Multivariable systems
2. Determine the State space representation in canonical forms
3. Linearize a system
4. Design a state-feedback controller
5. Implement the designed controller and evaluate the system's performances
1. System representation : the state-space representation SSR of monovariable and multivariable systems
2. Determinantion of the system's Block diagram
3. Determinantion of the State space representations in canonical forms : Controllable,Observable,Diagonal/Jordan
4. Evaluation of the Controllability and the observability of a given LTI system using the Kalman citerion
5. Design of State-feedback controller using the Ackermann's formula
6. Analysis of system performances : precision, rapidity, robustness against the presence of disturbances
7. System linearization using the Tylor expansion
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
Introduction to control theory (S6) and Digital control (S7)
Mathematics for Engineers 1 and 2 : Linear algebra : Determination of rank of matrix, the determinant
Ogata, K. (2010) Modern control engineering.Prentice Hall
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1This written exam stands for a Midterm. The students will be evaluated on some points that will be defined according to the progress of the lectures and tutorials sessions0,2Written exam
2The practical sessions are in a form of a project that should last 8 hours. It concerns the Modeling and control of a multivariable system : case of the three-tank system, the main objectives are the following :
1.Characterise the components of the system (valves in this case)
2. If the system is non-linear, study the possibility of its linearization
3.Derive the state space model of the whole system
4. Analyse and study the model: controllability and observability
5. Develop the controller
6. Characterise the performance of the controlled system in terms of precision, and robustness to perturbations
0,3Practical work
3The final exam will take all the parts the student had seen during lectures, tutorials and labs0,5Written exam