General Data | ||||
Academic program | Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM) | :
Type d'EC | Classes (LIIEEng08EEthicsRobotics) | |||
Status :
Period :
Semester 8 |
Education language :
English |
Learning Outcomes |
By the end of this course, students will be able to: 1. Define ethics (meta-, normative, descriptive, applied) 2. Cite examples of ethical issues from scientific research 3. Analyse ethical dilemma on real case studies 4. Study a case study in robotics or autonomous systems |
Content |
-Introduction to ethics and ethical dilemmas -Practical exercises on simple case studies -Ethics and Autonomous systems and/or Robotics -Applied ethics in Robotics -Practical analysis of a chosen case study in Robotics |
Pre-requisites / co-requisites |
None |
Bibliography |
Essential resources: None Recommended resources: Springer Handbook of Robotics, Sciliano B, Khatib O., Springer International Publishing Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series) Lin P., Abney K., Bekey G. A. MIT Press The Machine Question: Critical Perspectives on AI, Robots, and Ethics , Gunkel D. J., MIT Press |
Assessment(s) | |||
N° | Nature | Coefficient | Observable objectives |
1 | Observable objectives: written report in which students will be evaluated on their ability to synthesize the ethical issues that a new robotic technology may arise. | 0,5 | 1, 2, 3, 4 |
2 | Observable objectives: oral presentation in which students will be evaluated on their ability to synthesize the ethical issues that a new robotic technology may arise. | 0,5 | 1, 2, 3, 4 |
3 | Continuous Assessment | 1 |