Incoming Exchange Student Courses
General Data
Academic program Incoming Exchange Student Courses :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIEXP05EIntroHeatTransf)
Lectures : 12h00
Tutorials : 12h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Total duration : 56h00
Status :
Period :
Semester 5
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the module, the student will be able to
1. Identify the different modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation) taking place in a thermal system.
2. Apply the physical laws governing the heat transfer in a multi-mode heat transfer system.
3. Solve the heat conduction equation for steady state and transient problems.
4. Use steady state conduction existing solution to study realistic engineering problems.
5. Use empirical relations to study thermal/fluid systems.
6. Identify the specific nature of thermal radiation and the radiative interactions at a real surface.
- General introduction : fundamentals of heat transfer, heat transfer mechanisms, relationship to thermodynamics, methodology of analysis.
- Fundamentals of conduction : Heat conduction equation, Fourier's law, one-dimensional heat conduction equation solutions with/without heat generation, variable thermal conductivity, boundary and initial conditions.
- Steady heat conduction : heat conduction in plane walls, cylinder wall and spherical shell, thermal resistance concept, generalized thermal resistance network, notion of thermal contact temperature, critical radius of insulation, heat transfer from finned surfaces.
- Fundamentals of convection : physical mechanisms, hydrodynamic/thermal boundary layer equations, Nusselt and Prandtl numbers, boundary layer similarity, Reynolds analogy.
- External forced convection : laminar and turbulent flow, heat transfer correlations for the parallel flow over flat plates and the flow over cylinders and spheres, flow across tube banks.
- Internal forced convection : laminar and turbulent flow in tube, thermal entry length, general thermal analysis, log mean temperature difference, heat transfer correlations for circular/non-circular tubes.
- Introduction to radiation: spectral and directional distribution, notion of solid angle, blackbody radiation, Stefan-Boltzmann law, emission from real surfaces, radiative properties (emissivity, absorptivity, transmittivity, reflectivity), Kirchoff's laws.
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
Fluid Mechanics
Recommended ressources :
Çengel, Y et al. (2019), “Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications”, 6th Edn., McGraw Hill Higher Education.
Incropera, F.P. et al. (2017), “Incropera's Principles of Heat and Transfer”, Global Edn., John Wiley & Sons.