Incoming Exchange Student Courses
General Data
Academic program Incoming Exchange Student Courses :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIEXP06EMaterials3)
Lectures : 10h00
Tutorials : 10h00
Lab Work : 12h00
Total duration : 72h00
Status :
Period :
Semester 6_Mechanical Engineering
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the students are expected to:
1. Apply heat treatment to steel and aluminum alloys.
2. Predict the microstructures and phases which occur in in steel and aluminum alloys during heat treatment.
3. Predict the forms of corrosion and decide how to prevent it.
1. Introduction to Phase Transformation
• Processes and Types of Phase Transformation
• Types of Nucleation
• Phase Transformation Rate
2. Part 1: Heat Treatment
• Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium States
• Eutectoid, Hypereutectoid and Hypoeutectoid Points
• Martensite Transformation
3. Part 2: Heat Treatment
• Mechanical Properties of Martensite
• Tempering of Steel Alloys
• Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagrams
4. Structural Hardening of Aluminum
• Equilibrium Diagram of Aluminum Alloys
• Heat Treatments of Aluminum Alloys
5. Corrosion
• Redox Reactions
• Types of Corrosion
• Methods for Corrosion Prevention
Essential resources:
Not required

Recommended resources:
Materials Science and Engineering, An Introduction, W.D. Callister.
Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, M.F. Ashby.