Incoming Exchange Student Courses
General Data
Academic program Incoming Exchange Student Courses :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIEXP08EMotionPlanningControl)
Lab Work : 12h00
Total duration : 18h00
Status :
Period :
Semester 8_Robotique and Automation
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Define the different fieldbuses used in industry (Ethercat, Profinet, OPC-UA, IO-Link…)
2. Choose the right industrial network given technical specifications
3. Define the safety regulations applying to any machine
4. Perform basic risk analysis for a given machine
5. Wire safety elements to a machine
6. Understand the difference between drive-based and controller-based motion planning
-Definition of industrial networks: Ethercat, Profinet, OPC-UA, IO-Link…
-Practical on PLC/sensors/actuators communication using several industrial networks.
-Definition of safety regulations
-Procedure to perform risk analysis
-Definition of drive-based and controller-based motion planning followed by practicals
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
-Introduction to Controllers
Essential resources: None
Recommended resources:
G.D. Anderson (2021) Industrial Network Basics: Practical Guides for the Industrial Technician
D. MacDonald (2004) Practical Machinery Safety, Newnes
Jean-Claude Latombe (1991) Robot Motion Planning, Springer US