General Engineering Program
General Data
Academic program General Engineering Program :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIAem05EMANCon1)
Tutorials : 54h00
Total duration : 54h00
Status :
Period :
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
The student should be able to:
• Read , interpret and analyze a plan
• Know the standards and rules of technical drawings
• Know the different components of a mechanical system (name, material, characteristics ...)
• Understand how it works
• Justify the technological choices
• Size the mechanical components
• Set up and choose technological solutions
"1) Basic elements, rules and standards of industrial design
2) Mechanical connections
2.1 Embedding links
Constructive solutions and sizing of standard elements (screws, pins, keys, etc.)
2.2 Pivot connections
Plain bearings, assembly rules and dimensioning of bearings
2.3 Helical Connections
Constructive solutions and sizing
2.4 Slide Links: constructive solutions and sizing
2.5 Ball Joints: constructive solutions
3) Classification of materials and designation of alloys
Criteria for choosing materials for mechanical parts / Real cases
4) Dimensional tolerances, fits and functional dimensioning
5) Sealing and lubrication
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
• « Guide du dessinateur industriel » de A. Chevalier
• « Mémotech Ingénierie & Mécanique – Conception et Dessin » de C. Barlier et R. Bourgeois
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
0,2Continuous Assessment
2Written exam0,8