General Data | ||||
Academic program | General Engineering Program | :
Type d'EC | Classes (LIIAem05EOuvMond1) | |||
Status :
Period :
Education language :
French |
Learning Outcomes |
"Beyond the knowledge covered on a specific theme (ethics, philosophy and science, geopolitics, sustainable development, cultures and religions, psychology and psychoanalysis, sociology and anthropology,) this course will mobilize transversal skills of analysis, taking a step back, questioning, and developing critical thinking about the world around us. This module will develop openness and general culture. It will initiate a first level of reflection on non-scientific and technical concepts. 1 choice to be made among 8 modules offered. " |
Content |
"MODULES SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - history and sociology to help grasp the scale of the ecological challenge. Interaction with other societal issues will be highlighted and will provide the keys to understanding the contemporary world and the positions of different notable players. PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCES - retrace the joint history of philosophy and science. It will be shown to what extent these two disciplines share a common goal: to understand the world and explain it. The reference to historical philosophers will be analyzed. Questions relating to the scholastic period will be approached before describing the revolutionary work carried out by Descartes and Kant. With modern times, the advent of political science will be presented. Questions about technology in the light of the industrial revolution, will be raised, and this until the recent ethical debates which relate in particular to the transhumanism and the future of man in such a context. GEOPOLITICS – analysis of geopolitical conflicts through the observation of the phenomena of nationalism, fundamentalism, fanaticism and terrorism within a globalization coupled with fragmentation and exclusion. ETHICS - asking through the prism of the human sciences, the questions of responsibility which are raised in engineering. The skills acquired relate to the ethical issues of scientific progress, decryption of the levels of responsibility, the processes and consequences of innovation, and will allow the adoption of a critical attitude on the basis of commitments and choices. CULTURES AND RELIGIONS – integration of the idea that, in an increasingly international environment, the consideration of religious and cultural diversity becomes a major issue. Students will be invited to discover other ways of believing, in connection with other ways of living and think about the world. SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY - Through the study of several fields (family, gender, nature and culture, institution, power, work, organization, science ...) students will understand how anthropologists and sociologists construct their knowledge to better understand the complexity of the social world in which we live. PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHANALYSIS – exploration of certain modes of relationship and mechanisms of groups through perspectives from psychological and psychoanalytic fields. The observation of the models of power and authority, historical events and current events ..., will acquire the tools of understanding of certain mechanisms involved in human relations. " |
Pre-requisites / co-requisites |
None |
Bibliography |
Bourdieu Pierre, Le Sens pratique, Paris, Ed. de Minuit, 1980. Crozier Michel, À quoi sert la sociologie des organisations ? Tome 1. Théorie, culture et société, Ed. Seli Arslan, Paris, 2000. Descola Philippe, Par-delà nature et culture, Paris, Gallimard, 2005. Dubar C. et Tripier P. [1998], Sociologie des professions, Paris, A. Colin, « U ». Héritier Françoise, Masculin, Féminin. La pensée de la différence, Paris, O. Jacob, 1996. Latour Bruno, Les vues de l'esprit. Une introduction à l'anthropologie des sciences et des techniques, in « Culture technique », No 14, 1985, pp. 5-29. Lévi-Strauss, Les Structures élémentaires de la parenté (édition revue et corrigée), Paris, La Haye, Mouton, 1967. Jean-Christophe Victor, Le dessous des cartes, tome 3, Paris, Talandier, 2011 A. Defay, Géopolitique, PUF, coll. « Que sais-je ? », Paris, 2005. Jean-Marc LAVIEILLE, Relations internationales : la discipline, les approches, les facteurs, les règles, la société internationale, les acteurs, les évolutions historiques, les défis. Ellipses, Paris, 2003. Revues et Sites à visiter : Le Monde diplomatique, le Courrier International,, (La géopolitique sur le net)……. Jeanne Hersch, L'étonnement philosophique, Folio Epictète, 2015, Manuel, GF Collectif, 1962 , Les Stoïciens, La pléiade Hadot P, 1995, Qu'est ce que la philosophie antique ? Folio Jerphagnon L, 2011, Histoire de la pensée, PlurielSaint Thomas D'Aquin, 2001, Somme théologique, Broché Saint Augustin, 1993, Les Confessions, GF Pascal B, Les pensées, Folio Lemire L, 2015, Ces savants qui ont eu raison trop tôt,, Editions Texto Descartes R. 1637, Discours de la Méthode Kant E, 2006, Critique de la raison pure, GF Chommienne G, 2001, Lire les philosophes, HachettePlaton, 2002, La République, GF Machiavel N, 1532, Le Prince Bernays E. 2007, Propaganda, Broché Arendt H. Les origines du Totalitarisme Lacroix A, (2014), "Liberté, Inégalité, Immortalité" dossier central, Philosophie Magazine, n°83 Association Negawatt, Manifeste Negawatt, Paris, Actes Sud, 2012, 376 pages. Bill Mollisson, Introduction à la permaculture, Paris, Passerelle Eco, 2013, 240 pages. Coline Serreau, « Solutions locales pour un désordre global » [DVD], 2010, 113 minutes. Denis Bayon, Fabrice Flipo, François Schneider, La décroissance en 10 questions, Paris, La découverte, 2012, 256 pages. Dominique Bourg, Pour une 6ème République écologique, Odile Jacob, 2011, 205 pages. Jacques Caplat, L'agriculture biologique pour nourrir l'humanité, Paris, Actes Sud, 2012, 432 pages. Jean Gadrey, En finir avec les inégalités, Paris, Mango, 2006, 250 pages. Raphaël Glucksmann, les enfants du vide, Paris, Allary, 2018, 220 pages. Tim Jackson, Prospérité sans croissance – les fondations pour l'économie de demain, De Boeck supérieur, 2017, 300 pages. |
Assessment(s) | |||
N° | Nature | Coefficient | Observable objectives |
1 | Continuous Assessment | 1 |