Combined Bachelor's / Master's Degree
General Data
Type d'EC Classes
Lectures : 12h00
Tutorials : 12h00
Lab Work : 9h00
Total duration : 68h00
Status :
Period :
Semester 2
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Apply the basics of electronic: operating (biasing) points, superposition theorem
2. Analyse the different types of capacitors
3. Introduction to key components semi-conductor based : diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistors and Field Effect Transistors, operational amplifiers.
- Review of the basics of electronic: operating (biasing) points, superposition theorem
- Capacitors and technology: types of capacitors
- Diodes : N and P semiconductors, PN junction, analysis of a diode circuit
- Bipolar Junction Transistors: Biasing ans small signal analysis
- Junction Field-effect transistor (JFET): JFET operating and transfer characteristics
- Operational amplifiers: structure, the ideal op-amp model, negative feedback and fundamental op-amp configurations

Pre-requisites / co-requisites
DC Circuits
AC Circuits
Malvino, F., bates, D.,& Hoppe, P. (2020). Electronic Principles, McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1Midterm 1 : written exam consisting of exercises related to what has been done during the lessons and the tutorials0,101. Apply the basics of electronic: operating (biasing) points, superposition theorem
2. Analyse the different types of capacitors
2- The diode and monocycle rectifier application
- Bipolar Junction Tansistor, biasing, CE amplifier
- Operational amplifier
Students will be graded on the reports of experiments and the effort during the practical work
0,301. Apply the basics of electronic: operating (biasing) points, superposition theorem
2. Analyse the different types of capacitors
3. Introduction to key components semi-conductor based : diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistors and Field Effect Transistors, operational amplifiers.
3Final exam: based on the entire syllabus, tutorials, MCQ's and LABS0,501. Apply the basics of electronic: operating (biasing) points, superposition theorem
2. Analyse the different types of capacitors
4Midterm 2 : written exam consisting of exercises related to what has been done during the lessons and the tutorials0,10Written exam