Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM)
General Data
Academic program Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM) :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIEEng03EMathEng7)
Lectures : 30h00
Tutorials : 60h00
Total duration : 138h00
Status :
Period :
Semester 3
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
This course is in 2 parts:
* Vector calculus: to revise and acquire calculation tools and methods, in order to confidently navigate through multivariable calculus and its applications.
In particular, students will:
- (outcome C1) be able to confidently use and apply differential operators for functions of several variables (multivariate chain differentiation, implicit differentiation, etc.)
- (outcome C2) be able to perform multidimensional integration and line integration.

* Linear Algebra: Acquire a good understanding of matrix algebra and methods.
In particular, students will
- (outcome LA1) understand the fundamental subspaces related to a matrix (as a linear map)
- (outcome LA2) acquire fundamental techniques such as orthogonal projections in R^n or diagonalisation of matrices.
- Multivariable calculus:
° multivariate calculus (coordinate systems, scalar functions, vector functions, conservative vector fields, differential operators, Taylor expansions for functions from R^n to R^p, Implicit function theorem, simple PDE, Local Inverse Theorem)
° multiple and line integral (substitutions, volume integrals, area integrals, curvilinear integrals, Green-Riemann Theorem)

- Linear algebra
° Introduction to linear spaces/subspaces in R^n, bases.
° Fundamental subspaces of a matrix - Rank Nullity theorem.
° Orthogonality
° Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
Mathematics for engineers 1 and 2, (in particular continuity, differentiation, integration, for functions of 1 variable, and preferably also 2 variables, simple matrix algebra.)
Course lecture Notes.
G. Strang: Linear algebra and its applications (Wellesley-Cambridge Press)
N. Piskunov: Differential and integral calculs. (Mir, Moscow, 1969)
J. Stewart: Calculus, early transcendentals.
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1Mid Term 0,25 Midterm : C1, partially C2
2online quizzes. 0,20Continuous Assessment
3Final exam:0,30Midterm : C2, LA1
4Midterm : C2, LA10,25Written exam