General Data | ||||
Academic program | Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM) | :
Type d'EC | Classes (LIIEEng04ESolidMech) | |||
Status :
Period :
Semester 4 |
Education language :
English |
Learning Outcomes |
- Recgonize the fundamentals of stress/strain analysis. - Recognize the most commonly used material properties and their design implications. - Apply stress analysis to prevent failure such as fracture and yielding when designing mechanical systems. - Utilize a numerical simulation software for basic stress and strain calculations (Ansys structural) |
Content |
- Introductory concepts: Normal and shear stress, strain and deformation - Stress state: stress tensor, stress transformation, Mohr's circle - Strain state: strain tensor, relation between strain component and deformation, Mohr's cirlce - Behavior of materials: constitutive equations, tensile test, linear elastic material properties: Young's modulus, shear modulus, Poisson's ratio - Application: analysis of stresses in thin-walled pressure vessels - Plane elasticity: plane stress and plane strain configurations, 3D Mohr's circle - Yield criteria: yielding and plastic deformation in general configurations, Tresca and Von Mises criteria |
Pre-requisites / co-requisites |
General Mechanics 2 |
Bibliography |
Raymond Parnes, "Solid Mechanics in Engineering", |
Assessment(s) | |||
N° | Nature | Coefficient | Observable objectives |
1 | Mid-term 1 at the mid-course about the topics covered in the first half of the course: Stress and Strain tensors, Material properties | 0,15 | Written exam |
2 | Final exam about all the concepts covered in the course. The exam consists of short questions as well as thorough analysis problems. | 0,5 | Written exam |
3 | Ability to analyze using finite element method the strains and stresses in simple structures. Ability to use Creo and Ansys Workbench | 0,1 | Practical work |
4 | Quizzes | 0,1 | Continuous Assessment |
5 | Midterm 2 | 0,15 | Written exam |