Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM)
General Data
Academic program Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM) :
Type d'EC Classes (LIIEEng07EOpQualityLeanMngt)
Lectures : 4h00
Tutorials : 12h00
Total duration : 16h00
Status :
Period :
Semester 7
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
During the S6 (Quality) we discovered what it the goal of the quality management, and how to detect anomalies (histograms, Pareto method, SPC).
The guideline of this semester is now to find the root causes of these anomalies, and to quantify theim (experience plans).
As we found the origin of the problems, we now want to use the adapted tools to solve theim (Product FMECA – Lean-6sigma tools).
- Detect the causes of quality anomalies and quantify their respective effects.
- Use the appropriate tools to carry out actions to resolve the detected anomalies in a quality approach : Lean - 6 sigma.
Introduction to experience plans :
- What is an experience plan and how to implement it ?
- Several notions : factors, levels of the factors, mathematical model
- Experience plans : 2 factors and 2 levels
- Experience plans : 3 factors and 2 levels

Product FMECA :
One case of study to understand what is the purpose of product FMECA and how to implement it : how to reduce the problem at the conception phase of a product

Lean-6 sigma tools :
Discovery of the different lean tools in the context of a problem-solving approach :
- What is the Lean (context and historical approach)
- What is 6 sigma (context and historical approach)
- What are the tools related to these topics (DMAIC, 5S, Ishikawa, root causes : 5W…)
- Possiblity to implement all of these tools with one tutorial : A3 problem solving method.
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
No real pre-requisites are necessary to understand the different notions, but knowing the context and the guideline of the quality approach of this two semesters is better to understand why we do that.
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1MCQ0,1Written exam
2Final exam.
General Knowledge and ability to use Design for Experience
0,9Written exam