General Data | ||||
Academic program | Formation ECAM LaSalle Ingénieur spécialité Mécanique et Génie Electrique (ENGINEERING PROGRAM) | :
Type d'EC | Classes (LIIEEng05EEcoDesign1Technical) | |||
Status :
Period :
Semester 5 |
Education language :
English |
Learning Outcomes |
The project consists of 2 main phases: - Semester 5: Technical and environmental analysis (Life Cycle Assessment - LCA) of an existing small household appliance - Semester 6: On the basis of the results of the analysis, develop ecodesign proposals for the product, at 3 different levels The 2 phases can be attended independently by the students even if it would be preferable to attend both. Learning outcomes for S5: 1. Basic skills in LCA: - Software modelling (Simapro): choice of data & methods - Capacity to interpret LCA results 2. Generic knowledge on the environment and on evaluations of impacts 3. Practical skills (project): measurement of energy consumption, product dismantling, Bill of Materials building, bibliography & research to define the product life cycle scenario. Learning outcomes for S6: 1. Capacity to switch from analysis to synthesis: define ecodesign strategies on the basis of the analysis (main environmental hot spots) 2. Capacity to develop 3 ecodesigned solutions that are technically viable |
Content |
The project contains 3 expected content types: courses & tutorials, project sessions (labs), and personal work. For each semester, this projects represents ~40h of work on-site + 20h-30h of personal work. The total workload for each semester is estimated to 60- 70h/student. Content of Semester 5: 1. Courses & tutorials: basics of environmental evaluation & LCA. - Courses topics: global environmental issues, impacts and indicators, life cycle thinking, environmental evaluation using LCA - Tutorials on Simapro 2. Project sessions (labs) supervised by the teacher. - Energy measurements: data acquisition using a data logger - Dismantling (tools available) and BoM definition - Life cycle modelling on Simapro 3. Personal work: information search, interpretation of LCA results. |
Pre-requisites / co-requisites |
Preferably (not mandatory): - Workshops Y1 - Introduction to project management (Y2) - Multidisciplinary project (Y2) - Introduction to Sustainable Development Y1 & Y2 |
Bibliography |
Standards: • ISO 14040-44 Environmental Management - Life cycle assessment. 2006. • ISO/TR 14062 Environmental Management. 2002 • ISO 14020-25. Environmental labels and declarations. 2000 Online tools: • Bilan Produit tool: • Ecodesign Pilot tool: Books and reports: • IPCC. Climate Change 2007, Fourth Assessment report. 2007 • IPCC. Climate Change 2014, Fifth Assessment report, 2014 • Ashby, F. « Matériaux et environnement », Dunod, 2011 Online resources : • • Online resources and publication from Jean-Marc Jancovici: • Online free MOOC on Waste management and Critical Raw Materials: |
Assessment(s) | |||
N° | Nature | Coefficient | Observable objectives |
1 | Deliverable 1 evaluate the GROUP on : -The elements regarding the Use scenarios (evaluated in the Environmental part) -The elements regarding the tests procedures -The elements regarding the Average Energy consumption | 40 | Written Report |
2 | Deliverable 2 evaluation the GROUP on : -The elements regarding system behavior analysis -The elements regarding the thechnical formalism of the behavior analysis (technological diagram) -The elemenst regarding the establishment of the bill of material of the studied product. | 50 | Written Report |
3 | The continuous Assessment evaluate INDIVIDUALLY: -The presence in the differents modules -The involvement/commitment in the tutored sessions | 10 | Continuous Assessment |