General Engineering Program
5-year combined undergraduate / graduate Engineering programs
General Data
Academic program General Engineering Program :
Type d'EC Classes
Lectures : 6h00
Tutorials : 8h00
Total duration : 18h00
Status :
Period :
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
After a general presentation of the functioning of a company and the different professions that make it up, a presentation of the sectors of activity open to engineers will be discussed. The internship search techniques will then be presented (from the definition of your project to preparation for the interview). Students will thus be encouraged to develop their employability and understand the challenges of recruitment, and be able, as future managers, to recruit new employees.
"• Understand the professional environment: the company, its typologies, its main functions, its organization, its current issues, its different professions, market trends, business sectors.
• Build and know how to confirm your professional project.
• Update and mark up your research documents (CV, LM, etc.).
• Prospect, make yourself visible, deploy the networking approach, prepare for the different recruitment methods.
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
Savoir se faire recruter – Patrice RSA – Studyrama
Projet Professionnel gagnant – Stanislas Engrand – Editions Dunod
Recherche d'emploi, secrets de pros – H. Bommelaer, P. Douale, N. Pavesi – Editions Eyrolles
Maitriser LinkedIn - Bruno FRIDLANSKY
7 erreurs à eviter sur LinkedIn - Philippe DOUALE
« LinkedIn, le guide pratique pour dynamiser votre vie profesionnelle » Joelle WALRAEVENS