General Engineering Program
5-year combined undergraduate / graduate Engineering programs
General Data
Academic program General Engineering Program :
Type d'EC Classes
Lectures : 10h00
Tutorials : 10h00
Lab Work : 8h00
Total duration : 48h00
Status :
Period :
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
Acquire strong basics in general thermodynamics and be able to apply this knowledge to the study of thermal machinery: ability to analyze an installation's operating mode, to write energy balance reports and calculate efficiency. Be able to use technical vocabulary on different driving or receiving machines and know their corresponding outputs.
The application of thermodynamic principles to the study of thermal machinery is taught in masterclasses. Class exercises are performed in the following areas:
- Review of fluids and fluids transformations, concept of work and heat, and finally the first and second principle.
- Positive displacement compressors, turbo-compressors: description of the main types of machines, the thermodynamic cycle and powers at stake.
- Vapor-compression refrigerating units: technology, refrigerants, operating cycle.
- Internal combustion engines: Otto and Diesel cycles, efficiency and practical aspects (engine components, combustion, polluting gas emissions)
- Gas turbines and turbojet engines Brayton cycle, influence of irreversibility on thermal efficiency.
- Steam power plants: Hirn and Rankine study on cycles.
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics - Two yearrs of undergraduate courses on the subject
1. Les Techniques de l'Ingénieur : Traités "Génie Energétique"et "Machines Hydrauliques et Thermiques"
2. G. N. Hatsopoulos et J. H. Keenan. Principles of General Thermodynamics. John Wiley & Sons, 1965
3. I. M. Klotz et R. M. Rosenberg. Chemical Thermodynamics – Basic Concepts and Methods. 7e éd. Wiley, 2008
4. P. Chambadal. Les machines thermiques. Paris : A. Colin, 1952.
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1From the experiments conducted by the students, they evaluate the energy performance of a thermal machine.
Describe hypotheses and the limitations of the previously used formulas.
1Calculate the work and heat involved in a transformation.
Isolate a thermodynamic system and apply conservation of energy.
Study the energy performance of a volumetric compressor.
Explain the assumptions and limitations associated with the formulas used
2A 2hour written exam. The aim is to dimension an energy system in order to satisfy a technical specification or to study the energy performance of a thermal machine 2Apply methods in general thermodynamics to the study of an ideal thermal machine: reversible transformations, ideal fluid...
Apply methods in general thermodynamics to the study of a real plant: irreversible processes, real fluid...