General Engineering Program
5-year combined undergraduate / graduate Engineering programs
General Data
Academic program General Engineering Program :
Type d'EC Classes
Lectures : 10h00
Tutorials : 10h00
Lab Work : 12h00
Total duration : 32h00
Status :
Period :
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
Analyzing energy performance of existing thermal installations or machines.
Designing machines such as steam turbines, refrigeration machines or heat pumps with mechanical vapor compression, as well as air conditioning and air handling systems within the framework of a set of specifications.
Acquiring technical culture in the field of thermal machines hosting phase changes, as well as the vocabulary and performance criteria specific to each type of application.
1. Changes and coexistence of phases
2. Steam engine cycles
2.1. Operating principle and energy balances.
2.2. Use of usual thermodynamic diagrams.
2.3. Practical case study
3. Refrigerating machines with mechanical vapor compression.
3.1. Refrigeration overview
3.2. Importance of the nature of the refrigerant.
3.3. Operation and performance of refrigeration machines.
3.4. Practical case study
4. Heat pumps.
4.1. The different uses of heat pumps.
4.2. Operation and performance of heat pumps.
4.3. Practical case study
5. Humid air and air conditioning
5.1. General information on humid air
5.2. Importance on the energy consumption of buildings
5.3. Using the humid air diagram
5.4. Practical case study
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
- Thermodynamics principles: ideal gases, reversible transformations, 1st and 2nd principle of thermodynamics, motor cycles and receivers.
- Applied thermodynamics
1. A. Lallemand, Convertisseurs thermomécaniques – Cycles moteurs à vapeur et combinés. Cogénération, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, BE 8 053, 2007.
2. M. Feidt, Production de froid et revalorisation de la chaleur : principes généraux. Techniques de l'Ingénieur, BE 8 095, 1998.
3. Duminil, M., Théorie des machines frigorifiques – Machine à compression mécanique, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, B 9 730, 1996.
4. A. Lallemand. “Production d'énergie électrique par centrales thermiques”. In :
Techniques de l'Ingénieur D 4 002 (2005).
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1Experimental analysis of the operation and performance of real thermal machines available at the Energy department : heat pump, refrigerating machine, biphasic exchanger and an air handling unit.
Evaluation of the TP reports.
1Analysis of the energy performance of existing installations or thermal machines.
Analysis of the energy performance of an air handling unit (AHU).
2Study of a practical case of operation or dimensioning of one of the machines seen during the course and tutorials.2Analysis of the energy performance of existing installations or thermal machines.
Sizing / modeling of thermal machines.
Sizing of an air handling unit (AHU): temperature and humidity.
3Practical work1