General Engineering Program
5-year combined undergraduate / graduate Engineering programs
General Data
Academic program General Engineering Program :
Type d'EC Classes
Tutorials : 8h00
Total duration : 11h00
Status :
Period :
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
"Personal development, self-knowledge:
Understanding the usefulness of the field of personal development in the professional sphere.
Knowledge of personal development tools and their utilization.
Identifying active values at time T.
Understanding taking a step back from active neural functions in decision-making: links between values, needs, emotions and behaviors.
Understanding the interactions in a collective and the individual needs that are involved.
Establishing an initial mapping of sources for better professional positioning.
"Personal development in professional contexts.
Identifying values.
The contribution of neurosciences and the individual and relational needs that underpin behavior (neuroscience, emotions, cognitive biases).
Human Element Exercises, AT: basic needs in social and professional groups (Inclusion, Control, Openness).
The 4 dials: establish a relational roadmap.
Identifying springs with Appreciative Inquiry: knowing yourself and talking about yourself.
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
P.Fabart. Révélez le manager qui est en vous. Nous sommes tous les managers de nos propres vies. Cormelles-Le-Royal : EMS Editions, 2008
Collectif, Patrice Van Eersel. Votre cerveau n'a pas fini de vous étonner. Paris, Le Livre de Poche, 2014
D.Goleman. L'intelligence émotionnelle : Intégrale. Paris : Editions J'ai Lu , Poche, 2014
T.D'Ansembourg. Cessez d'être gentil soyez vrai : Être avec les autres en restant soi-même. Montréal : Les Editions de l'Homme, 2004
D.Coperrider, D.Whitney. L'appreciative Inquiry - Une révolution positive. Malakoff : Dunod Editeur, 2019.
A.Linley. Average to A +, Realising Strengths in Yourself and Others. Coventry, England : CAPP Press, 2008
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1Continuous Assessment1