General Engineering Program
5-year combined undergraduate / graduate Engineering programs
General Data
Academic program General Engineering Program :
Type d'EC Classes
Lab Work : 20h00
Total duration : 20h00
Status :
Period :
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
Course description:
The M.I.M.E. approach on Business is done through real-life work situations. It aims at giving participants better communication and multi-level understanding of the way a company is run. This overview allows the student to better understand his/her position in an academic or a professional context.
The benefits extend beyond theoretical and practical aspects; they either help the participants develop a better approach on entrepreneurship, or a better academic relationship and communication with teachers.
The participants become able to take a full measure of their decisions. This method may validate or not if these decisions are coherent and makes them negotiate with external or internal business partners as well as with a broader environment. It bases itself on key concepts in management and business economics.
A game session = 2 instructors certified by the author of the game + 4 teams composed of 7 or 8 students.

At the end of this module, the student will be able to:
- Discover and understand the fundamentals of the entrepreneurial, decision-making and negotiation processes
- Adjust to new situations
- Put his/her knowledge into question
- Make projections and anticipate
- Take decisions
- Plan
- Face obstacles
- Take measured risks
2 full days
This practice is based on the principles of economics and the notion of flows.
4 teams represent 4 different companies. They each start their activity on an identical basis, that is to say a market study, the amount of equity and a production capacity.
Different decisions lead to different activity developments.
Decisions are taken in the field of production, financial, business strategies, purchases or risk management.
Members in the team meet with different business partners, such as sub-contractors, banks, insurance, suppliers, etc. These roles are acted by the facilitation team.
Teams work around a fictitious time frame of 4 semesters.
During the last half-day, each team presents a report on its activities. These reports are analyzed by the group though a comparison between different strategic and operational choices and their consequences over this virtual 2-year venture.
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
In connection with the accounting course
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1Continuous Assessment1