General Engineering Program
5-year combined undergraduate / graduate Engineering programs
General Data
Academic program General Engineering Program :
Type d'EC Classes
Project : 250h00
Total duration : 250h00
Status :
Period :
Education language :
Learning Outcomes

The targeted skills are as follows:
• Ability to host events centered around innovation,
• Know how to implement a creativity session oriented towards the search for technical solutions,
• Ability to pitch an idea,
• Ability to convince an audience to invest in their project (bankers, investors, etc.),
• Ability to allow divergent thinking, the search for innovative solutions, originality and ideation,
• Ability to deal with uncertainty and vagueness,
• Ability to remain open and persevere,
• Desire to learn, to question, to explore lesser-known dimensions, to renew oneself by broadening one's vision of the world,
• Analytical skills,
• Ability to play with concepts and ideas,
• Resistance to the temptation to make decisions too quickly and only based on common sense or what we know about the situation,
• Ability to dare entrepreneurship by being daring.
Innovation defines all the scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial approaches that result in the production of technologically new and/or improved products/processes. The spirit of innovation ultimately means telling yourself that there is innovation behind every problem and that this can/must lead to making the world a better place.

For students, this course is a means of professionalization towards areas of expertise at the heart of industrial issues of today and tomorrow. In particular, it allows for a deeper understanding of innovation management. There are multiple objectives:
• Advanced training in creativity and concepts associated with innovation (ideation process, collective intelligence and change, financing and frugal design, design thinking and user experience),
• Initiation to innovation strategies,
• Sensitization of students to entrepreneurship,
• Sensitization to industrial and intellectual property,
• Training in written, oral and verbal communication,
• Improvement in project management and teamwork.

To support the students, multiple conferences are held, each supervised by an expert in his field, around the following themes:
• The concepts behind innovation (the concept of change, concept of heresy, concept of revolution, concept of combination, etc.),
• Innovation strategies (Technology Push, Market Pull, Push – pull, etc.),
• Innovation and creativity in businesses today,
• Innovation: financing strategy and ROI.

Finally, this course is directly linked to manufacturers who encounter real problems related to innovation. Students are encouraged to visit companies directly on site, when possible. Then, the students challenge each other to find ideas for concepts of “innovative” products/services to respond to the issues raised by companies. Most often, the work of creativity and innovation carried out by students allows companies to research and file patents.
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
There are no particular prerequisites for this course of deepening creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Students just need to be open and willing to listen to the ideas of others.

Note: the follow-up of the Léonard Project in ECAM4 facilitates the follow-up of this course.
• « Management & financement de l'innovation » de Bernard YON,
• « Le Management Stratégique De L'innovation » de Joël BROUSTAIL et Frédéric FRERY,
• « Management de l'innovation 2e édition » de Éric BURDIER,
• « Management de l'innovation » de Didier JANSSOONE,
• « Management de l'innovation : Nouveaux enjeux et défis, Méthodes faciles à appliquer, Illustrations et témoignages récents » de Claudine GAY et Bérangère SZOSTAK.
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1Continuous assessment of knowledge relating to the highlights of the course. The evaluation is done in three stages:
• Evaluation of group work (50%)
• Report evaluation (25%)
• Assessment of the defense and the pitch (25%)
• This modulation may vary depending on the case.

The evaluation is carried out by the C2MI cluster's educational team with the advice of partners (manufacturers or other partners) if applicable.