General Engineering Program
5-year combined undergraduate / graduate Engineering programs
General Data
Academic program General Engineering Program :
Type d'EC Classes
Lectures : 16h00
Tutorials : 4h00
Total duration : 35h00
Status :
Period :
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
Acoustic wave propagation, managing the concept of acoustic levels, modelling the generation of waves by simple sources (acoustic monopole and dipole), understanding any problem involving a confined space (tubes, waveguides, etc.), metrology and the various usual representations (frequency spectra, bandwidth analysis, etc.).
Acoustic waves (linear acoustic equations, propagation equations, acoustic intensity and power, plane and spherical waves), acoustic levels, elementary acoustic sources (monopole and dipole) and extended acoustic sources, cavities and waveguides, tubes, resonators and filters, acoustic metrology (sound levels, acoustic spectra, microphones, laboratory and in-situ measurements, measurements of intensity and acoustic power).
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
Basic course of fluid mechanics
K. Laurence, Fundamentals of acoustics;
S. Lewy, Acoustique industrielle et aéroacoustique ;
Y. Marchesse, course handout
Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1Written exam1
2Continuous Assessment1