General Engineering Program
5-year combined undergraduate / graduate Engineering programs
General Data
Academic program General Engineering Program :
Type d'EC Classes
Tutorials : 20h00
Total duration : 25h00
Status :
Period :
Education language :
Learning Outcomes
"Integrating intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial posture within the technical lessons of project management.
Through theoretical inputs and role plays, the ""communication"" course will give students the basics as well as oral and written communication techniques applied to the monitoring of the project.
This intervention will be complemented by ""feedback from entrepreneurs"" which will promote understanding of the business creation process and the link between innovation and entrepreneurship.
"Developing the skills of public speaking and professional written expression: through theoretical contributions and role plays, the Communication course will give students the basics as well as oral and written communication techniques applied to project management and the day-to-day management of teams.

The basics of oral communication: knowing how to lead a meeting, pitch your project, manage a phone call.

The basics of written communication: knowing how to write messages, emails, reports, meeting reports
Understanding communication
Why do you communicate?
How is a message transformed?

Prepare to speak
Ask yourself the right questions.
Define a goal.
Choose and organize your ideas.
Structure your intervention.

Succeed in speaking
Capturing attention
Strongly argue your speech: Strengthen the impact of messages
Choose a lively expression: gain clarity
Illustrate your words with visual aids: Giving life to the intervention
Conclude according to the objective of your intervention
Adapt your behavior to the audience: Express yourself with conviction
To know how to listen

Communicate well in writing
Why and how to communicate effectively in writing?
What are the different written communication media for the manager?
How to write correctly and effectively?

Feedback from entrepreneurs.
Pre-requisites / co-requisites
B2 level in French
Ces gestes qui vous trahissent, Joseph Messinger.
Prendre la parole en public, Fabrice Carlier.
Petit traité de manipulation à l'usage des honnêtes gens, Joule Beauvois.

Nature Coefficient Observable objectives
1Continuous Assessment1